Student Complaint/Grievance Policies and Procedures

  • Policies
  • Student Complaint/Grievance Policies and Procedures

Any student issue or concern with another student or instructor ideally is the responsibility of the student to approach the individual with whom they have a concern and attempt to work out the problem.

As needed, student complaints or grievances can be made to the Directors of Education verbally and/or in writing. Any complaint will be promptly investigated and a final response by the school will be given within 15 business days.

Complaints may be filed online at any time with the Private Occupational School Board of the Colorado Department of Higher Education, at, 303-862-3001.  All student complaints submitted to the Division must be in writing and “shall be filed within two years after the student discontinues training at the school.”

The student/graduate may contact the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 302, Arlington, VA 22201 703-247-4212,  All complaints considered by the Commission must be in written form, with permission from the complainant(s) for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response.  The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission.

Students may contact Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA), 2101 Wilson Blvd, Ste 302, Arlington, VA 22201, 202-888-6790 (office) 202-888-670 (fax),,

Wednesday, February 12th

Morning in-person classes are cancelled. Online and afternoon in-person classes are on as scheduled. Office and lab/library will open at 11am.   

Let the Journey Begin

(303) 986-2320

Let’s Connect

    The Colorado School of Healing Arts has a long standing reputation in the field of Massage Therapy education.  We cater to Denver and the broader Front Range community. Our school delivers outstanding programs, equipping students with the expertise for a thriving massage therapy career. Whether you're venturing into this gratifying field or advancing your current skills through continuing education, trust the Colorado School of Healing Arts to guide you towards holistic health and wellness.