Pathology for Massage Therapists

Course Description

This class presents baseline information on over 100 individual pathologies which Massage Therapists may encounter in clinical practice, including conditions of the musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, lymphatic, integumentary, digestive and immune system. It covers the etiology and symptoms of each condition, and reviews medical approaches to treatment and the potential positive or negative impact of Massage Therapy on the particular pathology.

Course Information

 Contact Hours 40
 Tuition $560.00
 Books $79.55
 Materials $5.00

See upcoming class dates/times

*In-house, interest free payment plans available

This course is not within the school’s scope of accredited program by ACCSC and COMTA.

Wednesday, February 12th

Morning in-person classes are cancelled. Online and afternoon in-person classes are on as scheduled. Office and lab/library will open at 11am.   

Let the Journey Begin

(303) 986-2320

Let’s Connect

    The Colorado School of Healing Arts has a long standing reputation in the field of Massage Therapy education.  We cater to Denver and the broader Front Range community. Our school delivers outstanding programs, equipping students with the expertise for a thriving massage therapy career. Whether you're venturing into this gratifying field or advancing your current skills through continuing education, trust the Colorado School of Healing Arts to guide you towards holistic health and wellness.